My work represents the human spirit and this beautiful green world. Interwoven within this narrative is the strength of character and the resiliency. Whatever it takes, we got it—to nurture and ignite that creative spark within, even in our darkest moments—we will find the light, the truth and the way. We will prevail. We all have the tenacity and endurance necessary to continue to live a good and balanced life, even in these unprecedented times.

My work is an evolving process of the human experience, the natural world and the wild creatures that roam freely across the Pacific Northwest region. My figurative portrait drawings and collages attempt to shine a ray of hope upon our own human fragility, vulnerabilities, dreams, wishes and aspirations: The human spirit is well and strong and good. This work depicts the trajectory of people's lives, rooted in self-identity through culture, heritage and ancestry. Certain stages in our lives signify specific pivot points: The rites of passage and coming of age.  I use photographic references in my drawings and mix-media in my collages to create this sense of realism in my imageries.

I am also interested in indigenous cultures as my own European heritage gives me the fortitude necessary to stand strong in the face of challenge, while my Samurai ancestry guides me on my path. Through these cultural lens, my intention for creating this work is to illustrate how people throughout time have harnessed this power within. We are at a critical juncture in history where we also need to find this vitality and integrity to protect humanity—and the human spirit—as a whole.

We all have the power to rise to the occasion during these difficult times that continues to test our will and spirits. Like the indigenous cultures have shown, perhaps we also need to return to our original nature and come back into balance. Whatever it is, we all need to nurture and kindle that fire within and be in harmony with, not against, this beautiful green world. We must find ways to empower ourselves and nurture and hold tight to our human spirit in order to find that self-sovereignty that is so needed in these unsettling times.

This perspective that I bring forth is what I believe will empower people on their quest for health, strength and vitality and will offer a greater awareness for the need to protect and care for our beautiful green world. Indeed, we are at a critical point in all our lives— throughout our nation, our country, our world and even the history of the human race—that in order to survive as a species we must work together and care for one another as self-sovereign people, if we are to survive what is to come. We must be on our guard. We must seek the truth. It is the only way to prevail in such times as these.


artist's statement